Social Studies
- The Social Studies Test has 50 multiple-choice items.
- The items are based on text, graphics, or a combination of the two.
- 60 percent of the items refer either to graphics or to a reading passage
accompanied by graphics.
- 40 percentĀ are based on text alone.
- Social Studies content areas include:
- U.S. History 25%
- World History 15%
- Government and Civics 25%
- Economics 20%
- Geography 15%
- Thinking Skills include:
- Comprehension 20%
- Application 20%
- Analysis 40%
- Evaluation 20%
- The test is 70 minutes long.
In the GED 2002 Social Studies Test, candidates must show that they can
understand and apply social studies information and concepts in national and
global contexts. There will be questions based on practical documents, such as
consumer or voting information, and on key historic documents, such as the
Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.