"The book offers a quick ‘cram’ approach to the NCLEX that is very user-friendly and not time-intensive. The overall approach is very learner-centered and the content is well-paced.”–Catherine Dearman, R.N., Ph.D.
Covers exactly what you need to know to score higher on your NCLEX-RN® exam
545 sample test questions help you gain confidence and decide when you’re ready to take the actual exam
Includes the popular Cram Sheet tearcard to help you remember key concepts and do extra last-minute studying
Exam Alerts identify important information found on the exam
Simplifies key medication aide concepts and techniques for easy learning
Pearson - 2013
The Saunders Pyramid to Success for NCLEX-RN products by Linda Anne Silvestri offer a unique and comprehensive review program for the students preparing for the NCLEX-RN examination. The first component in the Pyramid to Success is SAUNDERS COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW FOR NCLEX-RN. The Comprehensive Review is extremely popular with nursing students and faculty alike primarily because of its comprehensive content review, unique pyramid features, and numerous practice questions.
Saunders - 2013

To become a registered nurse in the United States, nursing school graduates must pass the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). It is a computer-adaptive test with between 75 and 265 questions that can take up to 6 hours. Each year, around 200,000 nursing students take this exam. Strategies play an important role in passing the NCLEX-RN, which is a critical thinking test requiring students to go beyond simply recognizing facts.
In this guide, test-takers will have access to the most effective methods available to guarantee a passing score. Kaplan guarantees that readers will pass using our guide.
Kaplan NCLEX-RN is the only book to combine its unique strategy guide with a comprehensive review designed to meet the challenges of this rigorous exam, including:
- 2 practice tests (one in the book and the second both on the CD-ROM and online) detailed answer explanations
- In-depth analysis of NCLEX-RN question types
- Review of alternate question types
- 47-item sample of Kaplan's rigorous NCLEX-RN Question Bank online
Kaplan - 2015

The 11th edition of
Lippincottandrsquo;s QandA Review for NCLEX-RN provides the highest-quality practice questions, detailed rationales, and preparation strategies needed to succeed on the NCLEX-RNandreg; examination.and#160; T
his revised reprint has been updated to ensure that content will help both U.S. and Canadian students to succeed on the licensure examination, with enhanced laboratory values, medication information, and diversity representation.
The practice tests are organized into four major content areas: obstetrics, pediatrics, medical-surgical, and mental health nursing, and are followed by 6 comprehensive tests with a random selection of questions from all content areas.and#160; Other features include rationales for both incorrect and correct answers choices, all the types of alternate-format questions found on the NCLEX, an overview of the licensing examination, test-taking strategies for each question format, and study tips, including instructions for creating a personal study plan.and#160; In addition, there is a CD-ROM containing questions that allow students to practice test-taking skills in both a study and review mode, as well as student and instructor resources on the Point.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - 2014
This brand-new set of more 408flash cards will help nursing students succeed on the National Council Licensure Examination, which certifies them as registered nurses. The cards are divided into two categories: 300 cards identify medications and their uses; and 100 cards present questions typical of those found on recent NCLEX-RN exams. Each medication card names a medication on the front and lists its uses, how it is administered, and its side effects on the back. The 100 test question cards present answers on their reverse side and cover topics that include safe care and environment, safety and infection control, health promotion and maintenance, and other subjects that nursing students will encounter when they take the exam. Each card has a small punch hole in one corner that accommodates an enclosed metal ring students can use to select and rearranged cards to fit their study needs.
Barrons Educational Series - 2011

WHO WE ARE: Boardvitals Question Bank is a physician-run company created with the practicing physician and resident in mind. We know this field because we are in it! Our writers and expert reviewers are residents and attendings from many prestigious academic institutions and training programs. WHAT WE DO: We strive to provide a high-quality, affordable, effective, and powerful board review tool that can be used by practicing physicians, residents, and medical students. 100% GUARANTEE: We don't just provide a question bank, we provide up-to-date explanations from the literature with our answers and give you detailed feedback and assessment of your progress broken down by subject areas. With each question you can see how you compare to your peers, and gauge the difficulty of the question by what percentage of your peers answered it correctly or chose the same option you did. Our full-length practice exam is a great way to judge your overall preparedness and compare to your peers to estimate what your score might be on the real thing!
Boardvitals.com - 2015