Study Guides for the CLEP American Govt Exam!
Every year, students save countless hours and dollars by taking advantage of the College Board’s CLEP® examinations. CLEP allows students to get college credit by earning a passing score on any of 33 exams covering introductory-level subjects. There are more than 2,900 colleges and universities that will grant credit for CLEP. The CLEP Official Study Guide 2015, developed by the test maker, is the only study resource for all 33 CLEP exams. It includes practice questions for all exams, exam descriptions, and test-taking tips and strategies.
College Entrance Examination Board - 2015
Acing the CLEP is very different from getting straight A's in school, so The Princeton Review doesn't try to teach you everything there is to know about every subject -- only the techniques that you need to score higher on the CLEP. Cracking the CLEP focuses on the most popular CLEP subject tests, including English Composition, College Mathematics, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences. This fully updated edition of Cracking the CLEP also includes 5 full-length sample exams. The questions on these tests are exactly like those on real CLEP exams, and there are complete explanations for every solution in the book.
Princeton Review - 2011
This test prep for the CLEP American Government exam comes with two full-length practice tests and detailed explanations of every answer. The comprehensive review covers all American Government topics found on the official exam, including the institutions and policy processes of the federal government; the federal courts and civil liberties; political parties and interest groups; political beliefs and behavior; and the content and history of the Constitution. Also contains test-taking tips and study strategies to boost confidence on test day.
REA - 2012
Understanding how our government functions and the political forces that influence it is vital for all Americans. As a comprehensive overview and history of the subject, this book is designed to help anyone interested in learning about our government and the origins of its complex inner workings, our political system, and key elements that have affected our growth as a nation? all while serving as the best supplementary reading a student can get.
Alpha - 2009
Whether you are a student under pressure, an interested citizen trying to brush up, or a recent arrival trying to understand this new land in which you find yourself, CliffsQuickReview American Government can help. This guide introduces each topic, defines key terms, and carefully walks you through each sample problem step-by-step.
Cliff's Notes - 2001
The Everything? American Government Book unravels the complexities of our democracy and provides readers with the knowledge necessary to make the right decisions and take an active role in the management of their country. From the roots of American government and the challenges that have helped shape it over the years to its current structure and systems, this thoroughly researched work is ideal for anyone brushing up on civics, as well as students of all ages.
Adams Media - 2004